Here you may specify what FDM should do if the file already exists on the disk
Check this box if you want disk space to be reserved for download when one is started
If it is checked FDM will append specified extension to a file name while downloading. When downloading is finished FDM renames file back to its original name
FDM will not restart downloading if the remote server does not support resuming
You may specify here what FDM should do if the file size was changed on server
Check this box to stop download when the file was not found on server
Check this box to stop download when user name or password is invalid
URL of web page or HTTP server from which downloading was started
Output folder:
Extensions of web pagesÆ files with HTML code:
┤╥╟╣∞Γ╦┼┤ß┐Θ┴ CSS
Download web pages from other sites
Extensions of web pages' files with HTML code. Web pages will be scanned for links of images and other pages to download
If checked, CSS files will be downloaded also. Recommended
If unchecked, web pages of other sites will not be downloaded. For example, if this box is unchecked and you started downloading from, then will not be downloaded, but will be downloaded
If checked, web pages' images will be downloaded also
If unchecked, web pages' images that link to other sites will not be downloaded
Depth of downloading. For example, you started downloading from There is a link to from Then depth of will be 1. Setting depth to 0 will result in downloading start page content only.
Check this box to ignore images with the specified extensions
Images with the extensions specified below will be downloaded if checked
Images with the extensions specified below will NOT be downloaded if checked
Don't download this and delete
Server doesn't support download resuming. Restart from the beginning
┼Θ┴α╦┼╟π╣í╥├α╗╘┤ URL
Sorry, unexpected error occurred while trying to write to the registry
ó═║ñ╪│╩╙╦├╤║í╥├┼º╖╨α║╒┬╣! í├╪│╥├╒╩╡╥├∞╡ FDM
┤╥╟╣∞Γ╦┼┤┤Θ╟┬ Free Download Manager
┤╥╟╣∞Γ╦┼┤α╟τ║Σ½╡∞┤Θ╟┬ Free Download Manager
α╛╘Φ┴ FDM ┼ºπ╣α┴╣┘ñ╙╩╤Φºó═º║├╥╟α½═├∞
Check this box to add items "Download with Free Download Manager" and "Download web site with Free Download Manager" to the browser context menu (menu appears when you right click)
Decrease traffic usage on browser activity
Check this box to decrease the traffic usage automatically when you are browsing the Internet. This allows you to browse much faster when FDM is downloading something
Traffic usage mode will be decreased by one level. Heavy->Medium, Medium->Light
Traffic usage mode will be changed to the Light one
Valid for
Valid for sub domains
Check this box to use this record for downloading via HTTP
Check this box to use this record for downloading via HTTPS
Check this box to use this record for downloading via FTP
Check this box to use this record for downloads from sub domain servers. For example, for the site it will be
Sequence step. For example, if it is 10, then sequence will be 0, 10, 20, ...
Count of wildcard bytes. For example, if it is 1, then sequence will be 1, 2, 3. If it is 2, then sequence will be 01, 02, 03.
Click here to look at the generated sequence
Check this box if you want your browser to download file when you press Cancel in the "Create download" dialog
The final sequence number must be greater than the start one
Please use (*) in the URL to specify template for URL
Create an extension if a file doesnÆt have one
Check this box to create a specified extension for a file which doesnÆt have it. For example if the file name is "file" and you specify "txt", the result will be "file.txt"
Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Inappropriate to license reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
α┼╫═í╖╒Φ╣╒Φ╢Θ╥ñ╪│╡Θ═ºí╥├π╦Θ FDM ╡├╟¿¿╤║í╥├ñ┼╘Ωíπ╣ Mozilla Firefox
┤╥╟╣∞Γ╦┼┤╖╒Φα┼╫═íΣ╟Θ┤Θ╟┬ Free Download Manager
π¬Θ tray "balloons"
Check this box to enable tray "balloon" notifications when a download has stopped or finished. Note: this feature works only on Windows 2000/XP and above
A "balloon" will be closed automatically after the expiration of this time
ñΘ╣╦╥ URL mirrors ═╤╡Γ╣┴╤╡╘
¿╙╣╟╣ mirrors ╩┘º╩╪┤
ñ╙╣╟│ñ╟╥┴α├τ╟ó═º mirrors
Check this box to get FDM to search for mirror URLs for each download automatically
Limit the number of mirror URLs per download. This allows you to reduce the mirrors' speed calculation time
Check this box to get FDM to calculate the speed of each mirror server
The mirrors' speed will be recalculated automatically at the specified time interval
Don't search if the file size is less than
FDM will not search for mirrors if the file size is less than the specified size
Don't search if the file size is unknown (Recommended)
Add mirror
Search for mirrors
Add mirror URL for this download manually
Search for mirror URLs for this download with FileSearching.COM
List of mirror URLs
Server speed
In use
Measure mirrors speed
Measure mirror servers' speed
Mirror URL for download
File size exceeds 2GB. Such downloads are supported via FTP only
; BEGIN: New Download page
Save download to its group's appropriate folder
Check this box if you want the download group to be determined by extension of file or settings of Site Manager
Set default group manually
Check this box if you want download to be saved to its group's default folder (see Group's properties)
Set default output folder manually
; BEGIN: Monitoring page
If checked, the "Create download" dialog will not be shown when adding download from browser
Select menu items to display in the browser context menu
Check this box if you want FDM to play sounds on some events (e.g. when download is completed)
; BEGIN : Customize sounds dialog
List of FDM's events and appropriate sounds. Here you can adjust FDM to play a sound when some event has occurred
Download added - play sound when one or more downloads have been added to the list of downloads
Download completed - play sound when download has been completed successfully.
Download failed - play sound when an error has occurred while trying to download a file.
Dialing succeeded - play sound when Scheduler's task "Establish dial-up connection" has been executed successfully.
Dialing failed - play sound when Scheduler's task "Establish dial-up connection" has failed due to some reason.
You have disabled ZIP preview. If you want to enable it, please go to Options -> Download options (Ctrl+O) -> New Download page, and check the "Use ZIP Preview" box.
Ignore list
List of web pages that should be ignored when downloading a site.
Ignore all subfolders also
; Proxy tab new settings
Use rollback on broken connections
Size of rollback
Check this option if you want to enable rollback feature. This option helps you to protect your downloads from being damaged.
Size of rollback. A greater size will allow rollback to work more safely. Recommended size is 3000 bytes. You can increase this value if your download still remains damaged.
; downloader options -> monitor tab
Use this option if you want FDM to skip files smaller than the specified size
ñ╙α╡╫═╣! Recycle Bin ┴╒ó╣╥┤π╦¡Φαí╘╣Σ╗ ß┼╨═╥¿╖╙π╦Θ╗├╨╩╘╖╕╘└╥╛í╥├╖╙º╥╣┼┤┼º ß╣╨╣╙π╦Θ┼Θ╥º Recycle Bin ñ╪│╡Θ═ºí╥├╖╙α┼┬╦├╫═Σ┴Φ?
You have switched network traffic usage mode.\nFree Download Manager has three modes:
In this mode Free Download Manager will download at the maximum speed possible. This is the most aggressive mode.
In this mode Free Download Manager will download at average speed. This mode allows you to browse the Internet and keep the high speed of downloading at the same time.
In this mode Free Download Manager will download at low speed. This mode allows you to download without the dramatic slowing-down of the network.
Enter a value less than %d
; export/import downloads
URL List Files
Downloads Information List Files
Set the date of a file identical to the date specified by the server
Set the same date of a downloaded file as the one on the server
Generate a file with the name "*.dsc.txt" (* - name of a downloaded file) that will contain a small description of a downloaded file (comments + url + date). This file will be generated only for a download that has comments.
This file has been downloaded from
Don't retrieve the file date from the server
This option allows you to increase the speed of starting an FTP download. Free Download Manager will use SIZE command instead of LIST.
Σ┴Φ╡Θ═º║╤╣╖╓í╩┴╪┤║╤╣╖╓í (log) ó═ºí╥├┤╥╟╣∞Γ╦┼┤
Enabling this option will make Free Download Manager start and shut down faster and will decrease memory usage.
Check this option if you want HTML Spider to ignore (or download only) pages located in all subfolders of the specified folder.
Here you should specify URL of the folder.\nExample: "".
Set of numbers
Here you should specify the set of numbers for batch list.\nEx. 1-100, or 1-100s2w3.
Click this button to assign the set of numbers using the dialog window.
Single number
Assign set of numbers
Syntax error
Traffic downloaded in this month\n(%s was downloaded in the previous month)
╗╘┤í╥├π¬Θº╥╣ | "α┴╫Φ═º╥╣α╩├τ¿" ╦┼╤º¿╥íα├╘Φ┴º╥╣
When enabled, any Tools | "when done" task will be automatically disabled after execution. Therefore, it will be launched only once.
; %s
; 1st - ¬╫Φ═ß┐Θ┴
; 2nd, 3rd - óΘ═┴┘┼ó═ºß┐Θ┴ (ó╣╥┤ + ╟╤╣╖╒Φ).
"%s" file already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it\n(%s)\n\nwith the new one\n(%s)?
Install pack
By default, FDM supports ZIP, RAR and ARJ archives only.\nYou can extend the list of supported archives by installing additional archive support pack for Free Download Manager (Internet connection is required).
FDM archive support pack
Some web sites provide special checksums for files available to download in order to allow users to make sure that the downloaded file is not damaged. You can enter this checksum here and FDM will check the file integrity.
╖╙í╥├ñ╙╣╟│ Checksum ó═ºß┐Θ┴╖╒Φ┤╥╟╣∞Γ╦┼┤...
File integrity check has been completed successfully.\nThere are no errors found in the downloaded file.
File integrity check has been completed.\nThere are errors found: the file was damaged during the downloading process. It is required to restart the downloading from the beginning.
Don't show this window again if check succeeds
Unable to find the executable file of the antivirus program you've chosen.\nPlease specify it yourself.
Files' sizes are not equal
Save as:\n(Sample: file(*)(*A)(*a).txt)
Invalid save as template specified.\nMake sure it corresponds to the URL template.
If enabled, "Opinions" tab will be automatically activated when download is finished.
╗├╤║ß╡Φºñ╪│┼╤í╔│╨αñ├╫═óΦ╥┬ó═º Internet Explorer
If enabled, this will instruct web sites you browse that Free Download Manager is installed on your program. However, using this option may result in blocking of some sites.
Check if any of Free Download Manager's users reported this download as containing virus/adware/spyware/etc.
OK, none of Free Download Manager's users reported this download as malicious.\n\nHowever, this does not guarantee that this download is not malicious and it is recommended to check it using some antivirus program.
; keep all %xxx, \n as is.
There are %d of %d of Free Download Manager's users reported that this download is malicious.\nThe average rating for this download is %.*g.\n\nShow opinions about this download?
Use this option to get FDM check automatically, before downloading, if any of users reported this download as malicious.
If enabled, FDM will activate "Opinions" tab automatically and show opinions about download when downloading.
Checking if download is malicious (see options to disable this)
OK, nobody reported that it is malicious
Warning! Somebody reported that this download is malicious
Cache the operations of writing the downloaded data to disk
If enabled, FDM will use internal cache buffer with the size you specified for operations of writing the downloaded data. This will reduce the number of times your HDD is used. This may increase the speed of downloading for high-speed connections.\nHowever, because downloaded data is not written to HDD immediately, it will be required to re-download this data again if a computer failure occurs (at worst, you will have to re-download as much data as you specified for the cache size).\nRecommended for high-speed connections.
If the Pause all downloads mode is enabled, it will be disabled, otherwise it will be enabled.
Official %s will be started on August 16, 2006. Our goal is to make FDM the fastest-spreading Internet utility after FireFox!
ó│╨╣╒Θí╥├╡├╟¿¿╤║╢┘íα╗╘┤π¬Θπ╣ %s.
There is no write access to Free Download Manager's folder.\nYou should grant write access in order to allow Free Download Manager to save its data files, othewise all data will be lost after the restart of Free Download Manager.
This small box allows you to drag&drop links from your browser into Free Download Manager.\nIt allows to quickly show or hide Free Download Manager's window with a left button double-click.\n\nIn order to hide it, right click on it and uncheck "Drop box" menu item.
Free Download Manager's Drop box
Check this options in order to disable all (balloon, sounds) notifications for downloads created by "%s" command.
Specify the list of files extensions and the list of sites that should not be monitored.
Free Download Manager will not monitor downloads from the sites specified in this list. Specify domain names here (e.g. ""). You may use '*' symbols.
Warning!\nAn error occurred while trying to perform virus check.\nWould you like to launch downloaded file anyway?
Perform the integrity check when file is downloaded
In order to perform the integrity check Free Download Manager should know the valid checksum of the file. In most cases you should provide it for each download.
Valid checksum of this file
Specify here what FDM should do when the integrity check fails.\nAsk - FDM will ask you what to do.\nRestart - FDM will restart this download from the beginning.\nDo nothing - FDM will add the record about fail check to the downloading log file and will not do anything more.
Specify integrity check algorithm.
Valid checksum
Result checksum
; zip preview window
; group's properties dialog
name of the server (e.g. "")
path to the downloading file on the server
current year
current month (number from 1 to 12)
current day
; don't translate "%year%-%month%-%day%" here
equivalent to "%year%-%month%-%day%"
¿╥í Mozilla Firefox
FDM ¿╨π¬Θí╥├╡╤ΘºñΦ╥ proxy ¿╥í Firefox
; new download settings
; Downloads -> Schedule ->
; downloads that are not completed or have been completed recently
; create new download dialog -> set output folder as default dialog
Set as default for all the groups of downloads
; %s - place of name of the group. don't change this
OK to set this folder as the default output folder for the "%s" group?
Retrieving destination upload URL from the base server...
; outlook express: view | insert file | ...
As attachment
As link (upload)
α╗╘┤í╥├π¬Θº╥╣ BitTorrent protocol
¿╙í╤┤ upload traffic
π¬Θ ports π╣¬Φ╟º╡╤Θºß╡Φ
α╗╘┤í╥├π¬Θº╥╣ DHT
Enable/disable BitTorrent protocol support. However if there are any BitTorrent downloads in the list or in the Recycle Bin of FDM, BitTorrent protocol will not be disabled completely.
Limit the maximum total speed of upload connections. This is not recommended for BitTorrent protocol and may reduce your download speed.
Limit the maximum number of total upload connections. Setting the too low number may result in decreasing of your downloading speed.
Specify here the range of ports that FDM will use for upload connections.
An error occurred while trying to start uploading. Check your connection or try again later.
You have attached large file(s).\nDue to many reasons it's recommended not to send large files as attachments, but upload files and send links to them.\n\nWould you like to upload?
Upload is recommended
Integration settings
Upload of %s has been completed.\nYou should use the following URL as the download link:
α╗╘┤π╣ browser
Current version of Free Download Manager cannot longer be used to upload files. It's required to update it.
Current version of Free Upload Manager cannot longer be used. It's required to update it. Please visit site.